Once submitted, how long does it take to get results?

The turnaround for results can vary from one to four weeks depending on the complexity of the diagnosis and the number of specialists that need to be consulted to provide the most accurate assessment possible.

How does Arbuda choose its doctors?

We partner with leading hospirtals in the U.S. and Canada to ensure consultation with top experts in cancer research

Do I need to request a specific doctor through Arbuda?

No. Arbuda works to connect you with best-situated oncologist, uniquely qualified to treat your specific case.

Is my information secure in Arbuda?

Information security and privacy are of the utmost importance for Arbuda. All information on the platform is encrypted and processed in a way that ensures only the necessary parties can access it. Arbuda complies with all applicable privacy standards. and promises never to sell your information or use it in any other way without your permission.

Could Arbuda replace a personal physician?

Absolutely not; Arbuda cannot replace the importance of in-person visits to a local doctor. Rather, Arbuda functions alongside your doctor helping them access world-class resources. Arbuda works in partnership with a personal physician and cannot succeed without them.

What is involved in the medical questionnaire?

A questionnaire is a form that gathers information regarding a patient's medical history and current condition. It is formatted to surface as much useful information as possible.

Where is Arbuda based?

Arbuda is based in Madison, Wisconsin and partners with hospitals across the U.S. and the world.



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